Zeolit — Medycyna naturalna

Md Josim Khan
5 min readAug 13, 2023

Do you want to maintain vitality and lead an active life? Or perhaps you need redundant energy? In order to manage with the challenges of everyday life, it’s necessary to constantly minimize the loads inside the body. Regular sanctification of the body of poisons is the base of a healthy life moment. What exactly is this essential health mineral, how does it work, and when should it be used? we answer zeolit ​​medyczny.

What’s medical zeolite?

Zeolite, and more specifically the natural zeolite clinoptilolite dolomite, is a mineral of stormy origin, the effect of which in the area of sanctification, detoxification, strengthening and regulating the functioning of the body has been clinically verified. It’s considered the world’s strongest substance that binds poisons in the digestive system.

Why is the health of the whole body dependent on the health of the bowel? First of all, because it’s in the bowel that the most dangerous substances accumulate, which are the source of metabolic diseases in the entirebody.However, the whole body will profit from it, If we take care of strengthening the vulnerable function of the digestive tract. The use of zeolite supports the achievement of vitality and well- being and reduces the burden on the body every day.

The secret of zeolite effectiveness

How does medical zeolite work? It’s a stormy emulsion that has numerous precious minerals in its composition. Its operation can be compared to a scrap truck that, when it encounters dangerous substances on its way, removes them from the body. This is because zeolite has a high tendency to change by giving the body what’s good, it binds and effectively removes with the coprolite what isn’t good for it. Among the poisons that zeolite absorbs, there are the most dangerous and wide substances that have a high capability to accumulate in the body.

The salutary effect of zeolite not only on the bowel

Dr Krešimir Pavelić, Croatian molecular biologist and director of the Institute of Molecular Medicine of the University of Zagreb, together with his exploration group, delved the effect of active zeolite. It turned out that its salutary effect goes much wider than the digestive tract. Then are the areas of soothing action of this revolutionary stormy mineral conditions caused by Candida Albicans fungi, in the case of which both the products of their metabolism and their presence in the mortal body are dangerous; acidification of the body, which disrupts important metabolic responses and, as a consequence, contributes to habitual conditions;

complex fractures of the lower extremities; burden of free revolutionaries that beget conditions similar as cataracts, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer; skin conditions similar as acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, herpes; periodontitis;

injuries and becks;

cardiovascular conditions and swollen modes, hemorrhoids, atrophy of capillaries;

alcohol poisoning; neuropsychiatric diseases similar as wakefulness and depression;

silicon insufficiency in the senior; anemia and general fatigue; cancers.

Zeolite- the secret armament of the vulnerable system

As epidemiologists emphasize, contagions present on earth change further and more frequently and are more and more resistant to drugs. The only effective system of defense against them is a well- performing vulnerable system.

In this environment, the use of zeolite plays a significant part. Thanks to the fact that it neutralizes dangerous substances andmicro-organisms on an ongoing base, it constantly strengthens our impunity. The vulnerable system is getting stronger every week and is better at dealing with infections and negativing contaminations and poisons. It works at full speed and is ready to defend the body against contagions and bacteria at any time.

How is zeolite attained?

birth of zeolite is a process that must be carried out with the loftiest norms regarding, over all, the chastity of the material. defiled zeolite won’t have high immersion capacity, thus it’ll not fulfill its task.

It’s essential that the stormy material used for medical purposes undergoes rigorous selection. Samples should be audited previous toextraction.However, it’s booby-trapped and also subordinated to farther technical cleaning formerly on the product line, If the gemstone meets the high chastity conditions. This is how top- class medical zeolite is created.

LavaVitae Pure zeolite boasts a patented personal cyclone sanctification technology. Such a system guarantees completely safe for health use and optimal goods, after taking indeed a small quantum of this emulsion. And since the stormy mineral can only be introduced to the European request as a medical device, it must suffer a complex and rigorous instrument process. The LavaVItae product meets these conditions and obtains the necessary instruments each time.

How to use zeolite to maintain gut health and vitality?

Karl Hecht, a German zeolite expert, recommends its use in greasepaint form. also our body will have a chance to use the stormy material in an optimal way. According to his recommendations, the greasepaint should be taken 3 times a day, completely dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water. Take a belt of liquid into your mouth, wash the depression and swallow. The operation must be repeated until the glass is empty. Taking zeolite should be accompanied by drinking 2 to 3 liters of water a day.

LavaVitae zeolite is the only one approved in Europe

still, choose only safe products that meet the norms set by law and have the necessary instruments, If you want to use zeolite on a diurnal base. Around 200 zeolites are available worldwide, while in Europe only the one produced by LavaVitae has been approved for use.

It’s a product also amended with magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Its composition includes as important as 10 of these precious minerals( the remaining 90 is active zeolite). LavaVitae Zeolite is available in greasepaint or capsule form zeolit ​​medyczny.

To add up, medical zeolite is a precious stormy mineral that’s considered revolutionary in taking care of intestinal health and the effectiveness of the vulnerable system, and also has a positive effect on the functioning and health of the entire body. It’s worth choosing products from proven sources that meet the conditions of medical bias, and LavaVitae Pure is such a product.

Kontakt — zeolitmedyczny.pl:
tel. +48 695 954 712

adres wysyłki:
LavaVitae GmbH
Kleinsattelstraße 2/1,
9500 Villach, Austria

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